Truly get to know the aspiring student behind the college application!

In the world of ChatGPT, it's increasingly vital to establish a more genuine and standardised screening process. Vesume Async can help you do that at scale and significantly reduce bias through a more collaborative evaluation process.

Vesume product

Step into the applicant's shoes

What makes application process better using Vesume Async?

icon of a lady

Get to know the person behind the essay

Gauge the enthusiasm, assess diversity and build a well-rounded and diverse student body

icon of a person with a thumbs up

Create a more engaging selection process

Enhance the applicant experience by letting them tell their story in their own words

icon of three people with arrows connecting them

Efficient and collaborative evaluation

Create an unbiased assessment process by involving evaluators from diverse backgrounds & perspectives

Elevate your admission workflow with Vesume Async!

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